Whole House Generators in Austin, TX
Austin, TX
What Happens When You Don’t Have A Whole Home Automatic Backup Generator in Austin, Texas?
If you live in Austin, Texas you’re probably familiar with the saying “If you don’t like the weather in Texas, just wait five minutes.” Located in a unique and narrow zone of Central Texas between the dry deserts of the southwest and the lush, more humid regions of the southeast, Austin’s climate is characterized as humid subtropical.
But, living here, you know that covers a wide range of temperatures and types of weather. You’ve learned to take summer days in the high 90s in stride — as long as you can power up the air conditioner. Spring brings supercell thunderstorms that knock your power out with high winds, lightning, heavy rain, and occasional flash flooding. Winters are mild, sometimes reaching into the 70s or even 80s. We rarely have more than a trace of snow and occasional “Blue Northers” or ice storms only last a few days. Widespread and extended winter power outages are a once-in-a-decade problem.
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Power in All Four Seasons
But that changed in February 2021 when a week of back-to-back winter storms brought below-freezing temperatures, snow, and ice, taking down power lines and also knocking out 50% of the state’s power generation capacity. Within the first two days, you or someone you knew was likely among more than 215,000 Austinites with no electricity.
Austin endured two waves of sleet and frozen ice, interrupted only by a snowstorm that dumped 6” of snow across the city knocking out power transmission lines. But the situation became much more dangerous when Austin Energy was ordered to drastically reduce load because the Texas power grid was on the brink of failure. Austin homes were hit hard because so many neighborhoods share circuits with hospitals, fire stations, and other emergency facilities, making it difficult to rotate what power there was to other areas. The situation became so dire that industrial and semiconductor manufacturers were ordered to idle or shut down, and non-essential lights and power use downtown was curtailed.
If your power was out, it probably stayed that way — for 36 to 100 hours, or even longer. That meant no heat, no lights, no indoor cooking, no refrigeration, no TV, and for many, no drinkable or even running water. Even if you had a portable gas generator, gas pumps were frozen, and many stations were closed. Cooking outdoors on a grill was an option for some, but you ran into long lines of people in freezing temperatures waiting to fill propane canisters or to buy scarce groceries. By the end of the week your food, supplies, and hope were running low
For you and those you care about, Austin’s power crisis rapidly became a water crisis. As pipes froze and burst, the city’s reserves were drained, and a power outage at a water-treatment facility compounded the problem. Stores quickly ran out of bottled water. If you did have running water, the pressure was so low that you had to boil it before drinking it. Without power, that wasn’t easy. Unless you had a stockpile of bottled water, you probably found yourself in long lines at emergency water distribution sites throughout the city.
As Austin emerged from the power crisis, you asked yourself “How could this disaster happen in energy-rich Texas? ” Then, just four months later during a mid-June heat wave, 2,000 megawatts of power generation went offline unexpectedly — enough to power 2.4 million homes on a hot summer day.
When officials told you to turn your thermostat up to 78 degrees or once again risk blackouts, you and many of your fellow Texans decided it was time to become truly energy independent — with uninterrupted power from a Canter Power Systems automatic, whole home backup generator.
When you’ve got a backup Generator in Austin
Now, think for just a moment about how your life would change if you never had to worry about being without power in Austin – ever again.
When the power goes out – in any season and for any reason – with a whole home generator from Canter Power Systems, you and your family can relax in the comfort and protection of your own home as your life goes on normally, even if power is out for an extended period.
Whether it’s a heat wave, an ice storm, or just a sunny day blip, your backup generator turns itself on automatically, within a few seconds after the power goes off — and it stays on until your utility service is restored. Even if the power goes out while you’re still inching your way home on MoPac, South Lamar Boulevard, or I-35 (officially the most congested stretch of highway in Texas), you don’t have to worry. Your generator will start up automatically and run everything you count on in your house, just as if you were there.
Imagine this scenario next time the power goes off in Austin
Whether you live in Downtown Austin, Cedar Park, or out in Travis County, your lights and power are ON, even if all your neighbors’ homes are dark. You can heat and cool your home, cook, wash dishes and clothes, bathe, charge your phones and computers and keep your refrigerated and frozen food safe. And, if you or a loved one count on power to keep medicines cool or operate assistive medical equipment, you’re covered.
Your whole family can watch TV, listen to music, read books, play games, and use computers and phones to stay in contact with friends, family, and work. Instead of rationing candles and flashlights, you can stay up after dark doing what you want and need to do. With a Generac whole house backup generator, you can even select to run only certain appliances during a power outage if you prefer. That choice is 100% up to you.

Our Austin, Texas Clients Enjoy Peace of Mind
When dangerous storms or other power outages happen anywhere in the Austin area, your life can quickly get complicated and stressful. School, work, and transportation schedules are disrupted. You worry when you lose contact with family and friends — those who count on you, or those you count on — even if it’s just temporary.
It’s at times like this that you really appreciate being in your own home, sleeping in your own bed, eating the food you like, and relaxing with your favorite TV programs, books, and family, not to mention having phone and internet service to keep up with school, work, and friends. Keeping up with closings and conditions in and around Austin helps everyone in your household feel more at ease and connected. And, with your automatic whole house generator, your home can also be a haven for extended family, friends, and neighbors who are without power.
The Canter Protection Prepares You for Anything
Canter Power backup generator owners in Austin will tell you about the peace of mind that comes with knowing they will never have to suffer through an unexpected or prolonged power loss.
When the Power Goes Off, Your Life Can Go On SM

Securing Your Whole Home Generator
Installation day is an exciting time for our customers! When our crew arrives with their new Generac generator, they know that they will no longer need to worry about random or severe power outages. We just wish we could be there to see the smile on your face the first time your automatic backup generator for your home turns on.

Here’s How to Get Started with Your Whole Home Generator
1. Set up an appointment for your free estimate with our knowledgeable generator specialists. They are available for in-home or remote consultations. Your specialist will assess site conditions, provide clear project details and a materials list, and financing options. At the end, you’ll have everything you need to make a power-full decision.
2. On average, the cost for our white glove Generac generator installation and monitoring is $15,000 with the exception of double generators, service upgrades, or unusual circumstances. Your assigned specialist will help you find the perfect fit generator for you and your family. There are also financing options and payment plans available.
3. After signing the contract, the Canter team gets to work! Our check list includes over 100 items that we take care of for you, including permits, utility coordination, inspecting, and start-up. Everything is expertly handled to get your generator running in 45-60 days so that you can rest assured and be power full. Learn more about what to expect from Canter Power.
Why Choose Canter Power Systems For Your Home Generator
in Austin, Texas
It’s important to make the best choices when it comes to protecting your family and your home when bad weather strikes Austin.
Here’s why Canter stands apart from the competition:
- Recognized and awarded #1 Retail Installer of the Year for the entire U.S. by Generac (2017, 2018, 2019, 2020)
- We’ve provided both commercial and residential electrical services in the Southeastern U.S. since 1948. That’s more than 70 years!
- We offer customized home generator systems to fit your specific needs and budget
Will manage the entire process from start to finish:
- FREE in-home estimate (contactless, if desired)
- Match the appropriate standby generator system for your home
- Coordinate entire home generator installation and connection
- Perform installation with both electrical and gas connections, all required municipal permits and inspections, necessary testing, official start-up certification, and complete ongoing home generator support and service
We’re the largest automatic backup residential power generator installer and Generac dealer in the US for whole house generators.
Generac Power Pro Premier Dealer in the North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Georgia, Florida, Tennessee, Texas, Oklahoma, Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi service areas.
Exclusive automatic backup residential power generator installer for over 700 Home Depot stores in North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Georgia, most of Florida and Texas, plus sells and services the states of Oklahoma, Tennessee, Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi.
Can customize a home generator system to fit your specific needs and budget.
Is the authorized automatic backup power generator provider and installer for the Piedmont Natural Gas.

From the moment you become a Canter Power Systems customer, the Peace of Mind Protection Plan guarantees you never have to worry about losing power again.